Professor Torquato’s Google Scholar Page


S. Torquato, Random Heterogeneous Materials: Microstructure and Macroscopic Properties, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002.

Chapters in Books

  • S. Torquato, Diffusion-Absorption and Flow Processes in Disordered Porous Media, in Heterogeneous Media: Topics in Mathematical Modelling Methods, Edited by K. Markov and L. Preziosi, Birkhauser, Boston (2000).
  • S. Torquato, Modeling of Physical Properties of Composite Materials, in Research Trends in Solid Mechanics, Edited by G. J. Dvorak, Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom (2000).
  • S. Torquato, Theory of Random Heterogeneous Materials, in Handbook of Materials Modeling, Edited by Sidney Yip, Springer-Verlag, New York (2005).
  • S. Torquato, Microstructure Optimization, in Handbook of Materials Modeling, Edited by Sidney Yip, Springer-Verlag, New York (2005).

Special Invited Articles

  1. S. Torquato, Glass Transition: Hard Knock for Thermodynamics, Nature, 405, 521 (2000).
  2. M. E. Kassner, S. Nemat-Nasser, Z. Suo, G. Bao, J. C. Barber, K. Brinson, H. Espinosa, S. Granick, P. Gumbsch, K-S. Kim, W. Knauss, L. Kubin, J. Langer, B. C. Larson, L. Mahadevan, A. Majumdar, S. Torquato, and F. van Swol, New Directions in Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, 37, 231 (2004).

Journal Articles


  1. C. E. Maher and S. Torquato, Local order metrics for many-particle systems across length scales, Physical Review Research, 6 033262 (2024).
  2. P. K. Morse, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Ordered and disordered stealthy hyperuniform point patterns across spatial dimensions, Physical Review Research, 6 033260 (2024).
  3. H. Wang, R. Samajdar, and S. Torquato, Correlations in interacting electron liquids: Many-body statistics and hyperuniformity, Physical Review B, 110 104201 (2024).
  4. H. Wang, D. A. Huse and S. Torquato, Hole statistics of equilibrium 2D and 3D hard-sphere crystals, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161 074106 (2024).
  5. S. Torquato and J. Kim, Microstructural and transport characteristics of triply periodic bicontinuous materials, Acta Materialia, 276 120142 (2024).
  6. A. Hitin-Bialus, C. E. Maher, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity classes of quasiperiodic tilings via diffusion spreadability, Physical Review E, 109 064108 (2024).
  7. M. A. Klatt, J. Kim, T. E. Gartner III, and S. Torquato, Local number fluctuations in ordered and disordered phases of water across temperatures: Higher-order moments and degrees of tetrahedrality , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160 204502 (2024).
  8. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Extraordinary optical and transport properties of disordered stealthy hyperuniform two-phase media, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36 225701 (2024).
  9. M. Skolnick and S. Torquato, Quantifying phase mixing and separation behaviors across length and time scales, Acta Materialia, 268 119774 (2024).
  10. H. Wang and S. Torquato, Designer pair statistics of disordered many-particle systems with novel properties , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160 044911 (2024).
  11. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Theoretical prediction of the effective dynamic dielectric constant of disordered hyperuniform anisotropic composites beyond the long-wavelength regime, Optical Materials Express, 14 194-215 (2024).
  12. 2023

  13. C. E. Maher, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity of maximally random jammed packings of hyperspheres across spatial dimensions, Physical Review E, 108 064602 (2023).
  14. S. Torquato, Self-organized disordered vegetation patterns with hidden order in arid ecosystems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(49) e2316879120 (2023).
  15. W. Shi, D. Keeney, D. Chen, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Computational design of anisotropic stealthy hyperuniform composites with engineered directional scattering properties, Physical Review E, 108 045306 (2023).
  16. P. K. Morse, J. Kim, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Generating large disordered stealthy hyperuniform systems with ultrahigh accuracy to determine their physical properties, Physical Review Research, 5 033190 (2023).
  17. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Effective electromagnetic wave properties of disordered stealthy hyperuniform layered media beyond the quasistatic regime, Optica, 10 965-972 (2023).
  18. M. Formanek, S. Torquato, R. Car, and F. Martelli, Molecular Rotations, Multiscale Order, Hyperuniformity, and Signatures of Metastability during the Compression/Decompression Cycles of Amorphous Ices, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127, 3946 (2023).
  19. M. Skolnick and S. Torquato, Simulated diffusion spreadability for characterizing the structure and transport properties of two-phase materials, Acta Materialia, 250 118857 (2023).
  20. O. H. E. Philcox and S. Torquato, Disordered Heterogeneous Universe: Galaxy Distribution and Clustering across Length Scales, Physical Review X, 13 011038 (2023).
  21. H. Wang and S. Torquato, Equilibrium states corresponding to hyperuniform nonequilibrium pair statistics, Soft Matter, 19 550-564 (2023).
  22. 2022

  23. M. A. Klatt, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Wave propagation and band tails of two-dimensional disordered systems in the thermodynamic limit, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(52) e2213633119 (2022).
  24. H. Wang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Realizability of iso-\(g_2\) processes via effective pair interactions, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157 224106 (2022).
  25. S. Torquato, and H. Wang, Precise determination of pair interactions from pair statistics of many-body systems in and out of equilibrium, Physical Review E, 106 044122 (2022).
  26. S. Torquato, and Y. Jiao, Exclusion volumes of convex bodies in high space dimensions: applications to virial coefficients and continuum percolation, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2022 093404 (2022).
  27. S. Torquato, Extraordinary disordered hyperuniform multifunctional composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 56(23), 3635-3649 (2022).
  28. S. Torquato, M. Skolnick, and J. Kim, Local order metrics for two-phase media across length scales, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 55 274003 (2022).
  29. H. Wang, and S. Torquato, Dynamic Measure of Hyperuniformity and Nonhyperuniformity in Heterogeneous Media via the Diffusion Spreadability, Physical Review Applied, 17 034022 (2022). (Editor’s Suggestion)
  30. F. Sgrignuoli, S. Torquato, and L. Dal Negro, Subdiffusive wave transport and weak localization transition in three-dimensional stealthy hyperuniform disordered systems, Physical Review B, 105 064204 (2022).
  31. C. E. Maher, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Characterization of void space, large-scale structure, and transport properties of maximally random jammed packings of superballs, Physical Review Materials, 6 025603 (2022).
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  33. S. Torquato, Diffusion spreadability as a probe of the microstructure of complex media across length scales, Physical Review E, 104 054102 (2021).
  34. M. Skolnick, and S. Torquato, Understanding degeneracy of two-point correlation functions via Debye random media, Physical Review E, 104 045306 (2021).
  35. M. A. Klatt, R. M. Ziff, and S. Torquato, Critical pore radius and transport properties of disordered hard- and overlapping-sphere models, Physical Review E, 104 014127 (2021).
  36. M. A. Klatt, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Gap Sensitivity Reveals Universal Behaviors in Optimized Photonic Crystal and Disordered Networks, Physical Review Letters, 127 037401 (2021).
  37. S. Torquato, Swimming in circles can lead to exotic hyperuniform states of active living matter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(24) e2107276118 (2021).
  38. T. E. Gartner III, S. Torquato, R. Car, and P. G. Debenedetti, Manifestations of metastable criticality in the long-range structure of model water glasses, Nature Communications, 12 3398 (2021).
  39. S. Torquato, Structural characterization of many-particle systems on approach to hyperuniform states, Physical Review E, 103 052126 (2021).
  40. S. Torquato, J. Kim, and M. A. Klatt, Local Number Fluctuations in Hyperuniform and Nonhyperuniform Systems: Higher-Order Moments and Distribution Functions, Physical Review X, 11, 021028 (2021).
  41. S. Torquato and J. Kim, Nonlocal Effective Electromagnetic Wave Characteristics of Composite Media: Beyond the Quasistatic Regime, Physical Review X, 11, 021002 (2021).
  42. C. E. Maher, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Kinetic Frustration Effects on Dense Two-Dimensional Packings of Convex Particles and Their Structural Characteristics, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125, 2450 (2021).
  43. S. Yu, C. W. Qiu, Y. Chong, S. Torquato, and N. Park, Engineered disorder in photonics, Nature Reviews Materials, 6 226 (2021).
  44. A. Bose and S. Torquato, Quantum phase transitions in long-range interacting hyperuniform spin chains in a transverse field, Physical Review B, 103 014118 (2021).
  45. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Characterizing the hyperuniformity of ordered and disordered two-phase media, Physical Review E, 103 012123 (2021).
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  47. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Effective elastic wave characteristics of composite media, New Journal of Physics, 22 123050 (2020).
  48. T. M. Middlemas and S. Torquato, Nearest-neighbor functions for disordered stealthy hyperuniform many-particle systems, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020 103302 (2020).
  49. Z. Ma and S. Torquato, Generation and structural characterization of Debye random media, Physical Review E, 102 043310 (2020).
  50. H. Wang, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Sensitivity of Pair Statistics on Pair Potentials in Many-Body Systems, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153 124106 (2020). Data for the potentials can be found here.
  51. M. Röding, Z. Ma, and S. Torquato, Predicting Permeability via Statistical Learning on Higher-Order Microstructural Information, Scientific Reports, 10 15239 (2020).
  52. Z. Ma, E. Lomba, and S. Torquato, Optimized Large Hyperuniform Binary Colloidal Suspensions in Two Dimensions, Physical Review Letters, 125 068002 (2020).
  53. E. Lomba, J.-J. Weis, L. Guisández, and S. Torquato, Minimal Statistical-Mechanical Model for Multihyperuniform Patterns in Avian Retina, Physical Review E, 102 012134 (2020).
  54. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Multifunctional Composites for Elastic and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(16) 8764-8774 (2020).
  55. S. Torquato, Predicting Transport Characteristics of Hyperuniform Porous Media via Rigorous Microstructure-Property Relations, Advances in Water Resources, 140 103565 (2020).
  56. G. Zhang and S. Torquato, Realizable Hyperuniform and Nonhyperuniform Particle Configurations with Targeted Spectral Functions via Effective Pair Interactions, Physical Review E, 101 032124 (2020).
  57. M. A. Klatt, J. Kim, and S. Torquato, Cloaking the Underlying Long-Range Order of Randomly Perturbed Lattices, Physical Review E, 101 032118 (2020).
  58. Back to Top


  59. M. M. Milošević, W. Man, G. Nahal, P. J. Steinhardt, S. Torquato, P. M. Chaikin, T. Amoah, B. Yu, R. A. Mullen, and M. Florescu, Hyperuniform Disordered Waveguides and Devices For Near Infrared Silicon Photonics, Scientific Reports, 9 20338 (2019).
  60. G. Cinacchi and S. Torquato, Hard Convex Lens-Shaped Particles: Characterization of Dense Disordered Packings, Physical Review E, 100 062902 (2019).
  61. F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Jammed Hard-Sphere Hcp Crystals Permeated With Trivacancy Tunnels, Journal of Applied Physics, 126(47) 194901 (2019).
  62. M. A. Klatt, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Phoamtonic Designs Yield Sizeable 3D Photonic Band Gaps, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(47) 23480-23486 (2019).
  63. S. Dutta, N. J.-V. Djabrayan, S. Torquato, S. Y. Shvartsman, and M. Krajnc, Self-Similar Dynamics of Nuclear Packing in the Early Drosophila Embryo, Biophysical Journal, 117(4) 743 (2019).
  64. A. G. Meyra, G. J. Zarragoicoechea, A. L. Maltz, E. Lomba, and S. Torquato, Hyperunformity on Spherical Surfaces, Physical Review E, 100 022107 (2019).
  65. F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Structural Degeneracy in Pair Distance Distributions, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150 204125 (2019).
  66. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Methodology to Construct Large Realizations of Perfectly Hyperuniform Disordered Packings, Physical Review E, 99 052141 (2019).
  67. S. Torquato, G. Zhang, and M. de Courcy-Ireland, Hidden Multiscale Order in the Primes, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52 135002 (2019).
  68. J. Kim and S. Torquato, New Tessellation-Based Procedure to Design Perfectly Hyperuniform Disordered Dispersions for Materials Discovery, Acta Materialia, 168 143-151 (2019).
  69. M. A. Klatt, J. Lovrić, D. Chen, S. C. Kapfer, F. M. Schaller, P. W. A. Schönhöfer, B. S. Gardiner, A.-S. Smith, G. E. Schröder-Turk, and S. Torquato, Universal Hidden Order in Amorphous Cellular Geometries, Nature Communications, 10 811 (2019).
  70. T. M. Middlemas, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity Order Metric of Barlow Packings, Physical Review E, 99 022111 (2019).
  71. Z. Ma and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity of Generalized Random Organization Models, Physical Review E, 99 022115 (2019).
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  73. E. C. Oğuz, J. E. S. Socolar, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity and Anti-Hyperuniformity in One-Dimensional Substitution Tilings, Acta Crystallographica, A75 3-13 (2018).
  74. J. Kim, G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Inversion Problems for Fourier Transforms of Particle Distributions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018 113302 (2018).
  75. G. Cinacchi and S. Torquato, Hard Convex Lens-shaped Particles: Metastable, Glassy and Jammed States , Soft Matter, 14 8205-8218 (2018).
  76. S. Torquato and D. Chen, Multifunctionality of Particulate Composites via Cross-property Maps, Physical Review Materials, 2 095603 (2018); bibtex
  77. D. Chen, G. Zhang, and S. Torquato, Inverse Design of Colloidal Crystals via Optimized Patchy Interactions, Journal of Physical Chemsity B, 122 8462−8468 (2018).
  78. S. Torquato, G. Zhang, and M. de Courcy-Ireland, Uncovering Multiscale Order in the Prime Numbers via Scattering, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018 093401 (2018).
  79. S. Torquato and D. Chen, Multifunctional Hyperuniform Cellular Networks: Optimality, Anisotropy and Disorder, Multifunctional Materials, 1 015001 (2018).
  80. Z. Ma and S. Torquato Precise Algorithms to Compute Surface Correlation Functions of Two-phase Heterogeneous Media and Their Applications, Physical Review E, 98, 013307 (2018).
  81. S. Torquato, Perspective: Basic Understanding of Condensed Phases of Matter via Packing Models, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 020901 (2018).
  82. D. Chen, E. Lomba and S. Torquato, Binary Mixtures of Charged Colloids: a Potential Route to Synthesize Disordered Hyperuniform Materials, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 17557-17562 (2018).
  83. F. Martelli, N. Giovambattista, S. Torquato, and R. Car, Searching for Crystal-ice Domains in Amorphous Ices, Physical Review Materials, 2, 075601 (2018).
  84. S. Torquato, Hyperuniform States of Matter, Physics Reports, 745, 1-95 (2018).
  85. C. Lin, P.J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Light Localization in Local Isomorphism Classes of Quasicrystals, Physical Review Letters, 120, 247401 (2018); bibtex.
  86. R.A. DiStasio Jr., G. Zhang, F.H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Rational Design of Stealthy Hyperuniform Two-phase Media with Tunable Order, Physical Review E, 97, 023311 (2018); bibtex.
  87. G. Zhang, F. Martelli and S. Torquato, The Structure Factor of Primes, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51, 115001 (2018).
  88. J. Kim, and S. Torquato, Effect of Imperfections on the Hyperuniformity of Many-Body Systems, Physical Review B, 97, 054105 (2018).
  89. M.A. Klatt, and S. Torquato, Characterization of Maximally Random Jammed Sphere Packings. III. Transport and Electromagnetic Properties via Correlation Functions, Physical Review E, 97, 012118 (2018).
  90. E. Lomba, J.-J. Weis, and S. Torquato, Disordered Multihyperuniformity Derived from Binary Plasmas, Physical Review E, 97, 010102(R) (2018).
  91. D. Chen and S. Torquato, Designing Disordered Hyperuniform Two-phase Materials with Novel Physical Properties, Acta Materialia, 142, 152-161 (2018).
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  93. E. Lomba, J.-J. Weis, and S. Torquato, Disordered Hyperuniformity in Two-component Nonadditive Hard-disk Plasmas, Physical Review E, 96, 062126 (2017).
  94. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Classical Many-Particle Systems with Unique Disordered Ground States, Physical Review E, 96, 042146 (2017).
  95. F. Martelli, S. Torquato, N. Giovambattista, and R. Car, Large-Scale Structure and Hyperuniformity of Amorphous Ices, Physical Review Letters, 119, 136002 (2017).
  96. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Can Exotic Disordered “Stealthy” Particle Configurations Tolerate Arbitrarily Large Holes?, Soft Matter, 13, 6197 (2017).
  97. Z. Ma and S. Torquato, Random Scalar Fields and Hyperuniformity, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 244904 (2017).
  98. B. D. Wilts, X. Sheng, M. Holler, A. Diaz, M. Guizar-Sicairos, J. Raabe, R. Hoppe, S. Liu, R. Langford, O. D. Onelli, D. Chen, S. Torquato, U. Steiner, C. G. Schroer, S. Vignolini, and A. Sepe, Evolutionary-Optimized Photonic Network Structure in White Beetle Wing Scales, Advanced Materials, 2017, 1702057 (2017).
  99. L. D. Abreu, J. M. Pereira, J. L. Romero and S. Torquato, The Weyl–Heisenberg Ensemble: Hyperuniformity and Higher Landau Levels, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017, 043103 (2017).
  100. C. Lin, P. J. Steinhardt and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity Variation with Quasicrystal Local Isomorphism Class, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 20 (2017). Please see Erratum
  101. E. C. Oğuz, J. E. S. Socolar, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity of Quasicrystals, Physical Review B, 95, 054119 (2017).
  102. R. M. Ziff and S. Torquato, Percolation of Disordered Jammed Sphere Packings, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50, 085001 (2017).
  103. J. Kim and S. Torquato, Effect of Window Shape on the Detection of Hyperuniformity via the Local Number Variance, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017, 013402 (2017).
  104. Back to Top


  105. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Transport, Geometrical, and Topological Properties of Stealthy Disordered Hyperuniform Two-phase Systems, Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 244109 (2016).
  106. D. Chen, W. Y. Aw, D. Devenport, and S. Torquato, Structural Characterization and Statistical Mechanical Model of Epidermal Patterns, Biophysical Journal, 111, 2534-2545 (2016).
  107. G. Zhang, F. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, The Perfect Glass Paradigm: Disordered Hyperuniform Glasses Down to Absolute Zero, Scientific Reports, 6, 36963 (2016).
  108. A. Andreanov, A. Scardicchio, and S. Torquato, Extreme Lattices: Symmetries and Decorrelation, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2016, 113301 (2016).
  109. S. Atkinson, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Static Structural Signatures of Nearly Jammed Disordered and Ordered Hard-sphere Packings: Direct Correlation Function, Physical Review E, 94, 032902 (2016).
  110. M. A. Klatt and S. Torquato, Characterization of Maximally Random Jammed Sphere Packings: II. Correlation Functions and Density Fluctuations, Physical Review E, 94, 022152 (2016).
  111. S. Torquato, Disordered Hyperuniform Heterogeneous Materials, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 414012 (2016).
  112. S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity and its Generalizations, Physical Review E, 94, 022122 (2016).
  113. S. Atkinson, G. Zhang, A. B. Hopkins, and S. Torquato, Critical Slowing Down and Hyperuniformity on Approach to Jamming, Physical Review E, 94, 012902 (2016).
  114. E. Chertkov, R. A. DiStasio, Jr., G. Zhang, R. Car, and S. Torquato, Inverse Design of Disordered Stealthy Hyperuniform Spin Chains, Physical Review B, 93, 064201 (2016).
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  115. D. Chen and S. Torquato, Confined Disordered Strictly Jammed Binary Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 92, 062207 (2015).
  116. G. Cinacchi and S. Torquato, Hard Convex Lens-shaped Particles: Densest-known Packings and Phase Behavior, Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 224506 (2015).
  117. J. Tian, Y. Xu, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, A Geometric-Structure Theory for Maximally Random Jammed Packings, Scientific Reports, 5, 16722 (2015).
  118. D. Hlushkou, H. Liasneuski, U. Tallarek, and S. Torquato, Effective Diffusion Coefficients in Random Packings of Polydisperse Hard Spheres from Two-point and Three-point Correlation Functions, Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 124901 (2015).
  119. J. Sun, B. K. Clark, S. Torquato, and R. Car, The Phase Diagram of High-Pressure Superionic Ice, Nature Communications, 6, 8156 (2015).
  120. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Ground States of Stealthy Hyperuniform Potentials: II. Stacked-Slider Phases, Physical Review E, 92,022120 (2015).
  121. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Ground States of Stealthy Hyperuniform Potentials: I. Entropically Favored Configurations, Physical Review E, 92,022119 (2015).
  122. S. Torquato, G. Zhang, and F. H. Stillinger, Ensemble Theory for Stealthy Hyperuniform Disordered Ground States, Physical Review X, 5,021020 (2015).
  123. R. Dreyfus, Y. Xu, T. Still, L. A. Hough, A. G. Yodh, and S. Torquato Diagnosing Hyperuniformity in Two-Dimensional, Disordered, Jammed Packings of Soft Spheres, Physical Review E, 91, 012302 (2015).
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  124. S. Atkinson, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Existence of Isostatic, Maximally Random Jammed Monodisperse Hard-Disk Packings, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 18436 (2014).
  125. M. A. Klatt and S. Torquato, Characterization of Maximally Random Jammed Sphere Packings: Voronoi Correlation Functions, Physical Review E, 90, 052120 (2014).
  126. J. Spangenberg, G. W. Scherer, A. B. Hopkins, and S. Torquato, Viscosity of Bimodal Suspensions With Hard Spherical Particles, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 184902 (2014).
  127. D. Chen, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, A Cellular Automaton Model for Tumor Dormancy: Emergence of a Proliferative Switch, PLoS ONE, 9, e109934 (2014).
  128. Y. Kallus and S. Torquato, Marginal Stability in Jammed Packings: Quasicontacts and Weak Contacts, Physical Review E, 90, 022114 (2014).
  129. H. Liasneuski, D. Hlushkou, S. Khirevich, A. Höltzel, U. Tallarek, and S. Torquato, Impact of Microsctructure on the Effective Diffusivity in Random Packings of Hard Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 034904 (2014).
  130. D. Chen, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Equilibrium Phase Behavior and Maximally Random Jammed State of Truncated Tetrahedra, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 7981 (2014).
  131. E. Guo, N. Chawla, T. Jing, S. Torquato, and Y. Jiao, Accurate Modeling and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Percolating Filamentary Microstructures from Two-Dimensional Micrographs via Dilation-Erosion Method, Materials Characterization, 89, 33 (2014).
  132. Y. Jiao, T. Lau, H. Haztzikirou, M. Meyer-Hermann, J. C. Corbo, and S. Torquato, Avian Photoreceptor Patterns Represent a Disordered Hyperuniform Solution to a Multiscale Packing Problem, Physical Review E, 89, 022721 (2014).
  133. R. Gabbrielli, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Dense Periodic Packings of Tori, Physical Review E, 89, 022133 (2014).
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  134. Y. Kallus, É. Marcotte, and S. Torquato, Jammed Lattice Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 88, 062151 (2013).
  135. S. Atkinson, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Detailed Characterization of Rattlers in Exactly Isostatic, Strictly Jammed Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 88, 062208 (2013).
  136. É. Marcotte, R. A. DiStasio, Jr., F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Designer Spin Systems via Inverse Statistical Mechanics. II. Ground-state Enumeration and Classification, Physical Review B, 88, 184432 (2013).
  137. G. Zhang and S. Torquato, Precise Algorithm to Generate Random Sequential Addition of Hard Hyperspheres at Saturation, Physical Review E, 88, 053312 (2013).
  138. G. Zhang, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Probing the Limitations of Isotropic Pair Potentials to Produce Ground-State Structural Extremes via Inverse Statistical Mechanics, Physical Review E, 88, 042309 (2013).
  139. R. A. DiStasio, Jr., É. Marcotte, R. Car, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Designer Spin Systems via Inverse Statistical Mechanics, Physical Review B, 88, 134104 (2013).
  140. W. Man, M. Florescu, E. P. Williamson, Y. He, S. R. Hashemizad, B. Y. C. Leung, D. R. Liner, S. Torquato, P. Chaikin, and P. Steinhardt, Isotropic Band Gaps and Freeform Waveguides Observed in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Solids, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 15886 (2013).
  141. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Disordered Strictly Jammed Binary Sphere Packings Attain an Anomalously Large Range of Densities, Physical Review E, 88, 022205 (2013).
  142. W. Man, M. Florescu, K. Matsuyama, P. Yadak, G. Nahal, S. Hashemizad, E. Williamson, P. Steinhardt, S. Torquato, and P. Chaikin, Photonic band gap in isotropic hyperuniform disordered solids with low dielectric contrast, Optics Express, 21, 19972 (2013).
  143. R. Xie, G. G. Long, S. J. Weigand, S. C. Moss, T. Carvalho, S. Roorda, M. Hejna, S. Torquato, and P. J. Steinhardt, Hyperuniformity in Amorphous Silicon Based on the Measurement of the Infinite-Wavelength Limit of the Structure Factor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 13250 (2013).
  144. M. Hejna, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Nearly Hyperuniform Network Models of Amorphous Silicon, Physical Review B, 87, 245204 (2013).
  145. É. Marcotte and S. Torquato, Efficient Linear Programming Algorithm to Generate the Densest Lattice Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 87, 063303 (2013).
  146. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Evolution and Morphology of Microenvironment-Enhanced Malignancy of Three-Dimensional Invasive Solid Tumors, Physical Review E, 87, 052707 (2013).
  147. M. Florescu, P. J. Steinhardt, and S. Torquato, Optical Cavities and Waveguides in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Solids, Physical Review B, 87, 165116 (2013).
  148. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Thresholds of Various d-Dimensional Lattices, Physical Review E, 87, 032149 (2013).
  149. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Threshold of Overlapping Nonspherical Hyperparticles, Physical Review E, 87, 022111 (2013).
  150. S. Martis, É. Marcotte, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Exotic Ground States of Directional Pair Potentials via Collective-Density Variables, Journal of Statistical Physics, 150, 414 (2013).
  151. É. Marcotte, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Designed Diamond Ground State via Optimized Isotropic Monotonic Pair Potentials, Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 061101 (2013).
  152. É. Marcotte, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Nonequilibrium Static Growing Length Scales in Supercooled Liquids on Approaching the Glass Transition, Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 12A508 (2013).
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  153. R. Gabbrielli, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Families of Tessellations of Space by Elementary Polyhedra via Retessellations of Face-Centered-Cubic and Related Tilings, Physical Review E, 86, 041141 (2012).
  154. S. Atkinson, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Maximally Dense Packings of Two-Dimensional Convex and Concave Noncircular Particles, Physical Review E, 86, 031302 (2012).
  155. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Nonequilibrium Static Diverging Length Scales on Approaching a Prototypical Model Glassy State, Physical Review E, 86, 021505 (2012).
  156. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Effect of Dimensionality on the Continuum Percolation of Overlapping Hyperspheres and Hypercubes. II. Simulation Results and Analyses, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 074106 (2012). Please see Erratum.
  157. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Organizing Principles for Dense Packings of Nonspherical Hard Particles: Not All Shapes are Created Equal, Physical Review E, 86, 011102 (2012).
  158. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Quantitative Characterization of the Microstructure and Transport Properties of Biopolymer Networks, Physical Biology, 9, 036009 (2012).
  159. C. J. Gommes, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Microstructural Degeneracy Associated with a Two-Point Correlation Function and its Information Content, Physical Review E, 85, 051140 (2012).
  160. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Diversity of Dynamics and Morphologies of Invasive Solid Tumors, AIP Advances, 2, 011003 (2012).
  161. G. W. Scherer, J. Zhang, J. A. Quintanilla, and S. Torquato, Hydration and Percolation at the Setting Point, Cement and Concrete Research, 42, 665 (2012).
  162. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Densest Binary Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 85, 021130 (2012).
  163. C. J. Gommes, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Density of States for a Specified Correlation Function and the Energy Landscape, Physical Review Letters, 108, 080601 (2012).
  164. S. Torquato, Effect of Dimensionality on the Continuum Percolation of Overlapping Hyperspheres and Hypercubes, Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 054106 (2012).
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  165. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Emergent Behaviors From a Cellular Automaton Model for Invasive Tumor Growth in Heterogeneous Microenvironments, PLoS Computational Biology, 7, e1002314 (2011).
  166. H. Cohn, Y. Jiao, A. Kumar and S. Torquato, Rigidity of Spherical Codes, Geometry and Topology, 15, 2235 (2011).
  167. Y. Jiao, H. Berman, T-R. Kiehl and S. Torquato, Spatial Organization and Correlations of Cell Nuclei in Brain Tumors, PLoS ONE, 6, e27323 (2011).
  168. C. E. Zachary and S. Torquato, Improved reconstructions of random media using dilation and erosion processes, Physical Review E, 84, 056102 (2011).
  169. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Maximally Random Jammed Packings of Platonic Solids: Hyperuniform Long-Range Correlations and Isostaticity, Physical Review E, 84, 041309 (2011).
  170. Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, Communication: A Packing of Truncated Tetrahedra That Nearly Fills All of Space and its Melting Properties, Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 151101 (2011).
  171. C. E. Zachary and S. Torquato, High-Dimensional Generalizations of the Kagome and Diamond Crystals and the Decorrelation Principle for Periodic Sphere Packings, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P10017 (2011).
  172. A. B. Hopkins, Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Phase Diagram and Structural Diversity of the Densest Binary Sphere Packings, Physical Review Letters , 107, 125501 (2011).
  173. R. D. Batten, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Inherent Structures for a Soft Long-Range Interaction in Two-Dimensional Many-Particle Systems, Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 054104 (2011).
  174. R. B. Batten, D. A. Huse, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Novel Ground-State Crystals with Controlled Vacancy Concentrations: From Kagomé to Honeycomb to Stripes, Soft Matter, 7, 6194 (2011).
  175. J. H. Conway, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato, A New Family of Tilings of Three-Dimensional Euclidean Space by Tetrahedra and Octahedra, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 11009 (2011).
  176. C. E. Zachary, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato. Hyperuniformity, Quasi-Long-Range Correlations, and Void Space Constraints in Maximally Random Jammed Particle Packings. II. Anisotropy in Particle Shape, Physical Review E, 83, 051309 (2011).
  177. C. E. Zachary, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato. Hyperuniformity, Quasi-Long-Range Correlations, and Void Space Constraints in Maximally Random Jammed Particle Packings. I. Polydisperse Spheres, Physical Review E, 83, 051308 (2011).
  178. C. E. Zachary and S. Torquato. Anomalous Local Coordination, Density Fluctuations, and Void Statistics in Disordered Hyperuniform Many-Particle Ground States, Physical Review E, 83, 051133 (2011).
  179. C. E. Zachary, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato, Hyperuniform Long-Range Correlations are a Signature of Disordered Jammed Hard-Particle Packings, Physical Review Letters, 106, 178001 (2011).
  180. É. Marcotte, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Unusual Ground States via Monotonic Convex Pair Potentials, Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 164105 (2011).
  181. S. Torquato, C. E. Zachary, and F. H. Stillinger, Duality Relations for the Classical Ground States of Soft-Matter Systems, Soft Matter, 7, 3780 (2011).
  182. É. Marcotte, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Optimized Monotonic Convex Pair Potentials Stabilize Low-Coordinated Crystals, Soft Matter, 7, 2332 (2011).
  183. S. Torquato, Toward an Ising Model of Cancer and Beyond, Physical Biology, 8, 015017 (2011).
  184. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Densest Local Packing Diversity. II. Application to Three Dimensions, Physical Review E, 83, 011304 (2011).
  185. W. T Gilleland, S. Torquato, and W. B. Russel, New Bounds on the Sedimentation Velocity for Hard, Charged, and Adhesive Hard Sphere Colloids Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 667, 403 (2011).
  186. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Nonuniversality of Density and Disorder of Jammed Sphere Packings, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 013508 (2011).
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  187. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Robust Algorithm to Generate a Diverse Class of Dense Disordered and Ordered Sphere Packings Via Linear Programming Physical Review E, 82, 061302 (2010).
  188. M. Florescu, S. Torquato, and P.J. Steinhardt, Effects of Random Link Removal on the Photonic Band Gaps of Honeycomb Networks, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 201103 (2010).
  189. S. Torquato, Reformulation of the Covering and Quantizer Problems as Ground States of Interacting Particles , Physical Review E, 82, 056109 (2010).
  190. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Jammed Hard-Particle Packings: From Kepler to Bernal and Beyond, Reviews of Modern Physics, 82, 2633 (2010).
  191. S. Torquato, Optimal Design of Heterogeneous Materials, Annual Review of Materials Research, 40, 101 (2010).
  192. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Geometrical Ambiguity of Pair Statistics. II. Heterogeneous Media, Physical Review E, 82, 011106 (2010).
  193. R. D. Batten, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Phase Behavior of Colloidal Superballs: Shape Interpolation from Spheres to Cubes, Physical Review E, 81, 061105, (2010). Please see Erratum.
  194. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao, Exact Constructions of a Family of Dense Periodic Packings of Tetrahedra, Physical Review E, 81, 041310 (2010).
  195. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Densest Local Sphere-Packing Diversity: General concepts and application to two dimensions, Physical Review E, 81, 041305 (2010).
  196. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Distinctive Features Arising in Maximally Random Jammed Packings of Superballs, Physical Review E, 81, 041304 (2010).
  197. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Spherical Codes, Maximal Local Packing Density, and the Golden Ratio, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, 043302 (2010).
  198. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Geometrical Ambiguity of Pair Statistics: Point Configurations, Physical Review E, 81, 011105 (2010).
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  199. C. E. Zachary and S. Torquato, Hyperuniformity in Point Patterns and Two-Phase Random Heterogeneous Media , Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P12015 (2009).
  200. M. Florescu, S. Torquato and P. J. Steinhardt, Designer Disordered Materials with Large, Complete Photonic Band Gaps, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 20658 (2009).
  201. J. Gevertz and S. Torquato, Growing Heterogeneous Tumors in Silico, Physical Review E, 80, 051910 (2009).
  202. M. C. Rechtsman and S. Torquato, Method for Obtaining Upper Bounds on Photonic Band Gaps, Physical Review B, 80, 155126 (2009).
  203. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, A Superior Descriptor of Random Textures and Its Predictive Capacity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 17634 (2009).
  204. M. Florescu, S. Torquato, and P. J. Steinhardt, Complete Band Gaps in Two-Dimensional Photonic Quasicrystals, Physical Review B, 80, 155112 (2009).
  205. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao. Dense Packings of Polyhedra: Platonic and Archimedean Solids, Physical Review E, 80, 041104 (2009). Please see Erratum.
  206. R. D. Batten, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Interactions Leading to Disordered Ground States and Unusual Low-Temperature Behavior, Physical Review E, 80, 031105 (2009).
  207. S. Torquato and Y. Jiao. Dense Packings of the Platonic and Archimedean Solids, Nature, 460, 876 (2009). Please see Erratum and Corrigendum.
  208. R. D. Batten, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Novel Low-Temperature Behavior in Classical Many-Particle Systems, Physical Review Letters, 103, 050602 (2009).
  209. J. L. Gevertz and S. Torquato, Mean Survivial Times of Absorbing Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces, Physical Review E, 80, 011102 (2009).
  210. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Optimal Packings of Superballs, Physical Review E, 79, 041309 (2009). Please see Erratum.
  211. A. Scardicchio, C. E. Zachary and S. Torquato, Statistical Properties of Determinantal Point Processes in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces, Physical Review E, 79, 041108 (2009).
  212. A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Dense Sphere Packings from Optimized Correlation Functions, Physical Review E, 79, 031123 (2009).
  213. S. Torquato, Inverse Optimization Techniques for Targeted Self-Assembly , Soft Matter, 5, 1157 (2009).
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  214. S. Torquato, A Scardicchio and C. E. Zachary, Point Processes in Arbitrary Dimension from Fermionic Gases, Random Matrix Theory, and Number Theory, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P11019 (2008).
  215. J. L. Gevertz, G. Gillies, and S. Torquato, Simulating Tumor Growth in Confined Heterogeneous Environments, Physical Biology, 5, 036010 (2008).
  216. M. C. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Negative Poisson’s Ratio Materials via Isotropic Interactions, Physical Review Letters, 101, 085501 (2008).
  217. J. L. Gevertz and S. Torquato, A Novel Three-Phase Model of Brain Tissue Microstructure, PLoS Computational Biology, 4, e1000152 (2008)
  218. M. C. Rechtsman, H-C. Jeong, P. M. Chaikin, S. Torquato and P. J. Steinhardt, Optimized Structures for Photonic Quasicrystals, Physical Review Letters, 101, 073902 (2008).
  219. R. D. Batten, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Classical Disordered Ground States: Super-Ideal Gases, and Stealth and Equi-Luminous Materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 033504 (2008).
  220. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Optimal Packings of Superdisks and the Role of Symmetry, Physical Review Letters, 100, 245504 (2008).
  221. C. E. Zachary, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Gaussian-Core Model Phase Diagram and Pair Correlations in High Euclidean Dimensions , Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 224505 (2008).
  222. M. C. Rechtsman and S. Torquato, Effective Dielectric Tensor for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Random Media, Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 084901 (2008).
  223. A. Scardicchio, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Estimates of the Optimal Density of Sphere Packings in High Dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 043301 (2008).
  224. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Modeling Heterogeneous Materials via Two-Point Correlation Functions: II. Algorithmic Details and Applications Physical Review E , 77, 031135 (2008).
  225. A. Gabrielli, M. Joyce and S. Torquato, Tilings of Space and Superhomogeneous Point Processes, Physical Review E, 77, 031125 (2008).
  226. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, New Duality Relations for Classical Ground States, Physical Review Letters, 100, 020602 (2008).
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  227. M. C. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Negative Thermal Expansion in Single-Component Systems with Isotropic Interactions, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111, 12816 (2007).
  228. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Toward the Jamming Threshold of Sphere Packings: Tunneled Crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 093511 (2007). Please see Erratum .
  229. A. Donev, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Configurational Entropy of Binary Hard-Disk Glasses: Nonexistence of an Ideal Glass Transition, Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 124509 (2007).
  230. Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Modeling Heterogeneous Materials via Two-Point Correlation Functions: Basic Principles, Physical Review E, 76, 031110 (2007).
  231. A. Donev, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Calculating the Free Energy of Nearly Jammed Hard-Particle Packings Using Molecular Dynamics, Journal of Computational Physics, 225, 509 (2007).
  232. H. Fan, C. Hartshorn, T. Buchheit, D. Tallant, R. Sullivan, D. J. Lacks, S. Torquato, and C. J. Brinker, Evidence for New Modulus/Density Scaling Relationships and Framework Architectures in Porous, Self-Assembled Nanostructures, Nature Materials, 6, 418 (2007).
  233. A. Donev, R. Connelly, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Underconstrained Jammed Packings of Nonspherical Hard Particles: Ellipses and Ellipsoids, Physical Review E, 75, 051304 (2007).
  234. M. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Synthetic Diamond and Wurtzite Structures Self-Assemble with Isotropic Pair Interactions , Physical Review E 75, 031403 (2007).
  235. Y. Jung, K. T. Chu and S. Torquato, A Variational Level Set Approach for Surface Area Minimization of Triply Periodic Media, Journal of Computational Physics 223, 711 (2007).
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  236. S. Torquato, O. U. Uche and F. H. Stillinger, Random Sequential Addition of Hard Spheres in High Euclidean Dimensions, Physical Review E 74, 061308 (2006).
  237. J. L. Gevertz and S. Torquato, Modeling the Effects of Vasculature Evolution on Early Brain Tumor Growth,Journal of Theoretical Biology 243, 517 (2006).
  238. M. Skoge, A. Donev, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Packing Hyperspheres in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces, Physical Review E 74, 041127 (2006).
  239. P. M. Chaikin, A. Donev, W. Man, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Some Observations on the Random Packing of Hard Ellipsoids, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 6960 (2006).
  240. S. Torquato, Necessary Conditions on Realizable Two-Point Correlation Functions of Random Media, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 6923 (2006).
  241. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, New Conjectural Lower Bounds on the Optimal Density of Sphere Packings, Experimental Mathematics 15, 307 (2006).
  242. O. U. Uche, S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Collective Coordinates Control of Density Distributions, Physical Review E, 74, 031104 (2006).
  243. M. C. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Self-Assembly of the Simple Cubic Lattice via an Isotropic Potential, Physical Review E, 74 021404 (2006).
  244. A.-P. Hynninen, A. Panagiotopoulos, M. C. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Global Phase Diagram of the Honeycomb Potential, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 024505 (2006).
  245. J. H. Conway and S. Torquato, Packing, Tiling and Covering with Tetrahedra, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 10612 (2006).
  246. A. Donev, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Do Binary Hard Disks Exhibit an Ideal Glass Transition?, Physical Review Letters, 96, 225502 (2006).
  247. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Exactly Solvable Disordered Hard-Sphere Packing Model in Arbitrary-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces, Physical Review E, 73, 031106 (2006).
  248. A. Donev , J. Burton, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Tetratic Order in the Phase Behaviour of a Hard-Rectangle System, Physical Review B, 73, 054109 (2006).
  249. M. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger, S. Torquato, Designed Interaction Potentials via Inverse Methods for Self-Assembly, Physical Review E, 73, 011406 (2006). Please see Erratum.
  250. O.U. Uche, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, On the Realizability of Pair Correlation Functions Physica A, 360, 21 (2006).
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  251. M. Rechtsman, F. H. Stillinger, S. Torquato, Optimized Interactions for Targeted Self-Assembly: Application to Honeycomb Lattice , Physical Review Letters, 95, 228301 (2005). Please see Erratum.
  252. Y. Jung and S. Torquato, Fluid Permeabilities of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces, Physical Review E, 92, 255505 (2005).
  253. F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Realizability Issues for Iso-g(2) Processes, Molecular Physics, 103, 2943 (2005).
  254. A. Donev , F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Unexpected Density Fluctuations in Disordered Jammed Hard-Sphere Packings, Physical Review Letters, 95, 090604 (2005).
  255. S. Torquato, A. Donev, C. J. Brinker, and A. G. Evans, Manufacturable Extremal Low-Dielectric, High-Stiffness Cellular Solids, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 124103 (2005).
  256. W. Man, A. Donev , F. H. Stillinger, M. T. Sullivan, W. B. Russel, D. Heeger , S. Inati, S. Torquato and P. M. Chaikin, Experiments on Random Packings of Ellipsoids, Physical Review Letters, 94, 198001 (2005).
  257. A. Donev, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Pair Correlation Function Characteristics of Nearly Jammed Disordered and Ordered Hard-Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 71, 011105 (2005).
  258. A. Donev, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Neighbor List Collision-Driven Molecular Dynamics for Nonspherical Hard Particles: II. Applications to Ellipses and Ellipsoids, Journal of Computational Physics, 202, 765 (2005).
  259. A. Donev, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Neighbor List Collision-Driven Molecular Dynamics for Nonspherical Hard Particles: I. Algorithmic Details, Journal of Computational Physics, 202, 737 (2005).
  260. D. C. Pham and S. Torquato, Exactly Realizable Bounds on the Trapping Constant and Permeability, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 013535 (2005).
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  261. F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Pair Correlation Function Realizability: Lattice Model Implications, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, 19589 (2004).
  262. O. U. Uche, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Constraints on Collective Density Variables: Two Dimensions, Physical Review E , 70, 046122 (2004).
  263. A. Donev, S. Torquato, F. H. Stillinger, and R. Connelly, Comment on “Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder” , Physical Review E, 70, 043301 (2004).
  264. A. Gabrielli and S. Torquato, Voronoi and Void Statistics for Super-homogeneous Point Processes, Physical Review E, 70, 041105 (2004).
  265. O. U. Uche, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, Concerning Maximal Packing Arrangements of Binary Disk Mixtures, Physica A, 342, 428 (2004).
  266. S. Torquato and A. Donev, Minimal Surfaces and Multifunctionality, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 460, 1849 (2004).
  267. A. Donev, F. H. Stillinger, P. M. Chaikin, and S. Torquato, Unusually Dense Crystal Packings of Ellipsoid, Physical Review Letters, 92, 255506 (2004).
  268. S. Torquato and D. C. Pham, Optimal Bounds on the Trapping Constant and Permeability of Porous Media, Physical Review Letters, 92, 255505 (2004).
  269. A. Donev, S. Torquato, F. H. Stillinger, and R. Connelly, A Linear Programming Algorithm to Test for Jamming in Hard-Sphere Packings, Journal of Computational Physics, 197, 139 (2004).
  270. A. Donev, I. Cisse, D. Sachs, E. A. Variano, F. H. Stillinger, R. Connelly, S. Torquato, and P. M. Chaikin, Improving the Density of Jammed Disordered Packings using Ellipsoids, Science, 303, 990-993 (2004).
  271. A. Donev, S. Torquato, F. H. Stillinger, and R. Connelly, Jamming in Hard Sphere and Disk Packings, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 989-999 (2004).
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  272. S. Torquato, A. Donev, and F. H. Stillinger, Breakdown of Elasticity Theory for Jammed Hard-Particle Packings: Conical Nonlinear Constitutive Theory, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40, 7143-7153 (2003).
  273. S. Hyun, A. M. Karlsson, S. Torquato, and A. G. Evans, Simulated Properties of Kagome and Tetragonal Truss Core Panels, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40, 6989-6998 (2003).
  274. D. C. Pham and S. Torquato, Strong-Contrast Expansions and Approximations for the Effective Conductivity of Multiphase Composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 6591-6602 (2003).
  275. S. Torquato, S. Hyun, and A. Donev, Optimal Design of Manufacturable Three-Dimensional Composites with Multifuctional Characteristics, Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 5748-5755 (2003).
  276. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Local Density Fluctuations, Hyperuniform Systems, and Order Metrics, Physical Review E, 68, 041113 1-25 (2003).
  277. J. Crawford, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Aspects of Correlation Function Realizability, Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 7065-7074 (2003).
  278. A. Donev and S. Torquato, Energy-Efficient Actuation in Infinite Lattice Structures, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 1459 (2003).
  279. F. H. Stillinger, H. Sakai, and S. Torquato, Lattice-Based Random Jammed Configurations for Hard Particles, Physical Review E, 67, 031107 (2003).
  280. J. R Errington, P. G. Debenedetti, and S. Torquato, Quantification of Order in the Lennard-Jones System, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 2256 (2003).
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  281. J. E. Schmitz, A. R. Kansal, and S. Torquato, A Cellular Automaton Model of Brain Tumor Treatment and Resistance , Journal of Theoretical Medicine, 4, 223 (2002).
  282. S. Torquato, S. Hyun, and A. Donev, Multifunctional Composites: Optimizing Microstructures for Simultaneous Transport of Heat and Electricity, Physical Review Letters, 89, 266601 (2002).
  283. J. R. Errington, P. G. Debenedetti, and S. Torquato, Cooperative Origin of Low-Density Domains in Liquid Water, Physical Review Letters, 89, 215503 (2002).
  284. A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Diversity of Order and Densities in Jammed Hard-Particle Packings, Physical Review E, 66, 041109 (2002).
  285. A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Computer Generation of Dense Polydisperse Sphere Packings, Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 8212 (2002). Please see Erratum.
  286. T. M. Truskett, P. G. Debenedetti, and S. Torquato, Comment on Observations on an Equation of State for Water Confined in Narrow Slit-Pores, Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 8162 (2002).
  287. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Controlling the Short-Range Order and Packing Densities of Many-Particle Systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106, 8354 (2002). Please see Erratum.
  288. H. Sakai, S. Torquato, and F. H. Stillinger, Equi-g(r) Sequences of Systems Derived from the Square-Well Potential, Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 297 (2002).
  289. F. H. Stillinger, H. Sakai, and S. Torquato, Statistical Mechanical Models with Effective Potentials: Definitions, Applications, and Thermodynamic Consequences, Journal of Chemical Physics, 117, 288 (2002).
  290. A. R. Kansal and S. Torquato, Prediction of Trapping Rates in Mixtures of Partially Absorbing Spheres , Journal of Chemical Physics, 116, 10589 (2002).
  291. S. Torquato, Statistical Description of Microstructures, Annual Reviews of Materials Research, 32, 77, (2002).
  292. S. Hyun and S. Torquato, Optimal and Manufacturable Two-Dimensional, Kagomé-Like Cellular Solids,Journal of Materials Research, 17, 137 (2002).
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  293. A. R. Kansal and S. Torquato, Globally and Locally Minimal Weight Branched Tree Networks, Physica A, 301, 601 (2001).
  294. S. Torquato and F. H. Stillinger, Multiplicity of Generation, Selection, and Classification Procedures for Jammed Hard-Particle Packings, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105, 11849 (2001).
  295. F. H. Stillinger, S. Torquato, J. M. Eroles, and T. M. Truskett, Iso-g(2) Processes in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105, 6592 (2001).
  296. T. S. Diesboeck, M. E. Berens, A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, A. Rachamimov, D. N. Louis, and E. A. Chiocca, Patterns of Self-Organization in Tumor Systems: Complex Growth Dynamics in a Novel Brain Tumor Spheroid Model, Cell Proliferation, 34, 115 (2001).
  297. S. Torquato and S. Hyun, Effective-Medium Theory for Composite Media: Realizable Single-Scale Dispersions, Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 1725 (2001).
  298. T. M. Truskett, P. G. Debenedetti, and S. Torquato, Thermodynamic Implications of Confinement for a Water-Like Fluid, Journal of Chemical Physics, 114, 2401 (2001).
  299. N. Sheehan and S. Torquato, Generating Microstructures with Specified Correlation Functions, Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 53 (2001).
  300. S. Hyun and S. Torquato, Designing Composite Microstructures with Targeted Properties , Journal of Materials Research, 16, 280 (2001).
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  301. F. H. Stillinger, D. K. Stillinger, S. Torquato, T. M. Truskett, and P. G. Debenedetti, Equation of State of the Rigid Disk from its Triangle Distribution , Journal of Chemical Physics, 113, 10186 (2000).
  302. A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, E. A. Chiocca, and T. S. Deisboeck, Emergence of a Subpopulation in a Computational Model of Tumor Growth, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 207, 431 (2000).
  303. J. Quintanilla, S. Torquato, and R. Ziff, Efficient Measurement of the Percolation Threshold for Fully Penetrable Disks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematics & General, 33, L399 (2000).
  304. D. K. Stillinger, F. H. Stillinger, S. Torquato, T. M. Truskett, and P. G. Debenedetti, Triangle Distribution and Equation of State for Classical Rigid Disks, Journal of Statistical Physics, 100, 49 (2000).
  305. S. Hyun and S. Torquato, Effective Elastic and Transport Properties of Regular Honeycomb Structures for All Densities, Journal of Materials Research, 15, 1985 (2000).
  306. A. R. Kansal, T. M. Truskett, and S. Torquato, Hard-Disk Packings with Controlled Orientational Order, Journal of Chemical Physics, 113, 4844 (2000).
  307. T. M. Truskett, S. Torquato, and P. G. Debenedetti, Quantifying Disorder in Equilibrium and Glassy Sphere Packings, Physical Review E, 62, 993 (2000).
  308. C. Manwart, S. Torquato, and R. Hilfer, Stochastic reconstruction of sandstones, Physical Review E, 62, 893 (2000).
  309. I. C. Kim, D. Cule, and S. Torquato, Comment on Walker Diffusion Method for Calculation of Transport Properties of Composite Materials, Physical Review E, 61, 4659 (2000).
  310. A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, G. R. Harsh, E. A. Chiocca, and T. S. Deisboeck, Simulated Brain Tumor Growth using a Three-Dimensional Cellular Automaton, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 203, 367 (2000).
  311. S. Torquato, T. M. Truskett, and P. G. Debenedetti, Is Random Close Packing of Spheres Well Defined?, Physical Review Letters, 84, 2064 (2000).
  312. A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, G. R. Harsh, E. A. Chiocca, and T. S. Deisboeck, Cellular Automaton of Idealized Brain Tumor Growth Dynamics, Biosystems, 55, 119 (2000).
  313. S. Torquato, Modeling of Physical Properties of Composite Materials , International Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 411 (2000).
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  314. S. Torquato, Exact Conditions on Physically Realizable Correlation Functions of Random Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 111, 8832 (1999).
  315. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Percolation for a Model of Statistically Inhomogeneous Random Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 111, 5947 (1999).
  316. B. Xu, F. Arias, S. T. Britain, X-M. Zhao, B. Gryzbowski, S. Torquato, and G. M. Whitesides, Making Negative Poisson’s Ratio Microstructures by Soft Lithography , Advanced Materials, 11, 1186 (1999).
  317. D. Cule and S. Torquato, Generating Random Media from Limited Microstructural Information via Stochastic Optimization, Journal of Applied Physics, 86, 3428 (1999).
  318. T. M. Truskett, P. G. Debenedetti, S. Sastry, and S. Torquato, A Single-Bond Approach to Orientation-Dependent Interactions and its Implications for Water, Journal of Chemical Physics, 111, 2647 (1999).
  319. O. Sigmund and S. Torquato, Design of Smart Composite Materials Using Topology Optimization, Smart Materials and Structures, 8, 365 (1999).
  320. S. Pecullan, L. V. Gibiansky, and S. Torquato, Scale Effects on the Effective Elastic Moduli of Hierarchical Composites, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 47, 1509 (1999).
  321. A. P. Roberts and S. Torquato, Chord-Distribution Functions of Three-Dimensional Random Media: Approximate First-Passage Times of Gaussian Processes, Physical Review E, 59, 4953 (1999).
  322. S. Torquato, C. Yeong, M. D. Rintoul, D. Milius, and I. A. Aksay, Characterizing the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Interpenetrating Multiphase Cermets, Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 82, 1263 (1999).
  323. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Local Volume Fraction Fluctuations in Periodic Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 3215 (1999).
  324. S. Torquato, I. C. Kim, and D. Cule, Effective Conductivity, Dielectric Constant, and Diffusion Coefficient of Digitized Composite Media via First-Passage-Time-Equations, Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 1560 (1999).
  325. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Matrix Laminate Composites: Realizable Approximations for the Effective Moduli of Piezoelectric Dispersions, Journal of Materials Research, 14, 49 (1999).
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  326. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Effective Energy of Nonlinear Elastic and Conducting Composites: Approximations and Cross-Property Bounds, Journal of Applied Physics, 84, 5969 (1998).
  327. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Rigorous Connection Between Physical Properties of Porous Rocks, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), 103, 23911 (1998).
  328. T. M. Truskett, S. Torquato, and P. G. Debenedetti, Density Fluctuations in Many-Body Systems, Physical Review E, 58, 7369 (1998).
  329. D. Cule and S. Torquato, Electric-Field Distribution in Composite Media, Physical Review B, 58, R11829 (1998).
  330. S. Sastry, T.M. Truskett, P.G. Debenedetti, S. Torquato, and F.H. Stillinger, Free Volume in the Hard-Sphere Liquid, Molecular Physics, 95, 289 (1998).
  331. T. M. Truskett, S. Torquato, S. Sastry, P. Debenedetti, and F. H. Stillinger, A Structural Precursor to Freezing in the Hard-Disk and Hard-Sphere Systems, Physical Review E, 58, 3083 (1998).
  332. S. Torquato, Effective Stiffness Tensor of Composite Media: II. Applications to Isotropic Dispersions, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 46, 1411 (1998).
  333. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, New Approximation for the Effective Energy of Non-linear Conducting Composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 84, 301 (1998).
  334. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Hard-Sphere Statistics Along the Metastable Amorphous Branch, Physical Review E, 58, 3083 (1998).
  335. C. L. Y. Yeong and S. Torquato, Reconstructing Random Media: II. Three-Dimensional from Two-Dimensional Cuts, Physical Review E, 58, 224 (1998).
  336. L. Berlyand, M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, First-Passage Percolation and Failure in Brittle Materials, Journal of Statistical Physics, 91, 603 (1998).
  337. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, New Method to Generate Three-Point Bounds on Effective Properties of Composites: Application to Viscoelasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 46, 749 (1998).
  338. O. Sigmund, S. Torquato and I.A. Aksay, On the optimization of 1-3 piezo-composites using topology optimization, Journal of Materials Research, 14, 1038 (1998).
  339. S. Torquato, Morphology and Effective Properties of Disordered Heterogeneous Media , International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35, 2385 (1998).
  340. S. Torquato, L. V. Gibiansky, M. Silva and L. Gibson, Effective Mechanical and Transport Properties of Cellular Solids, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 40, 71 (1998).
  341. C. L. Y. Yeong and S. Torquato, Reconstructing Random Media, Physical Review E, 57, 495 (1998).
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  342. S. Torquato, Effective Stiffness Tensor of Composite Media: I. Exact Series Expansions, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45, 1421 (1997).
  343. H. Cheng and S. Torquato, Electric Field Fluctuations in Random Dielectric Composites , Physical Review B, 56, 8060 (1997).
  344. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Precise Determination of the Critical Threshold and Exponents in a 3D Continuum Percolation Model, Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 30, L585 (1997).
  345. S. Torquato, Exact Expression for the Effective Elastic Tensor of Disordered Composites, Physical Review Letters, 79, 681 (1997).
  346. H. Cheng and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Dispersions of Spheres with a Superconducting Interface, Proceedings of the Royal Society, 453, 1331 (1997).
  347. L.V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Thermal expansion of isotropic multiphase composites and polycrystals Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45, 1223 (1997).
  348. O. Sigmund and S. Torquato, Design of Materials with Extreme Thermal Expansion using a Three-Phase Topology Optimization Method, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45, 1037 (1997).
  349. L.V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, On the Use of Homogenization Theory to Optimally Design Piezocomposites for Hydrophone Applications, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45, 689 (1997).
  350. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Clustering in Continuum Percolation Models, Advances in Applied Probability, 29, 327 (1997).
  351. S. Torquato and C.L.Y. Yeong, Universal Scaling for Diffusion-Controlled Reactions Among Traps, Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 8814 (1997).
  352. L.V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Optimal Design of 1-3 Composite Piezoelectrics, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 13, 23 (1997).
  353. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Reconstruction of the Structure of Dispersions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 186, 467 (1997).
  354. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Local Volume Fraction Fluctuations in Random Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 2741 (1997).
  355. H. Cheng and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Periodic Arrays of Spheres with Interfacial Resistance, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 453, 145 (1997).
  356. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Microstructure Functions for a model of Statistically Inhomogeneous Random Media, Physical Review E, 55, 1558 (1997).
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  357. S. Torquato and L. V. Gibiansky, Rigorous Link Between the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials, Symposium on Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization, Materials Research Society Proceedings eds. R.A. Gerhardt, S.R. Taylor and E.J.Garboczi, vol. 411, pp. 387-392 (1996).
  358. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Computer Simulations of Dense Hard-Sphere Systems, Journal of Chemical Physics, 105, 9258 (1996).
  359. O. Sigmund and S. Torquato, Composites with Extremal Thermal Expansion Coefficients, Applied Physics Letters, 69, 3203 (1996).
  360. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Metastability and Crystallization in Hard-Sphere Systems, Physical Review Letters, 77, 4198 (1996).
  361. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Clustering Properties of d-Dimensional Overlapping Spheres, Physical Review E 54, 5331 (1996).
  362. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Lineal Measures of Clustering in Overlapping Particle Models , Physical Review E 54, 4027 (1996).
  363. D. Coker, S. Torquato, and J. Dunsmuir Morphological and Physical Properties of Fontainebleu Sandstone via a Tomographic Analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 17497 (1996).
  364. M. D. Rintoul, S. Torquato, C. Yeong, D. T. Keane, S. Erramilli, Y. N. Jun, D. Dabbs and I. A. Aksay, Structure and Transport Properties of a Porous Magnetic Gel via X-ray Tomography, Physical Review E, 54, 2663 (1996).
  365. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Phase-Interchange Relations for the Elastic Moduli of Two-Phase Composites, International Journal of Engineering Science, 34, 739 (1996).
  366. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, Microstructure and Conductivity of Hierarchical Laminate Composites, Physical Review E, 53, 4368 (1996).
  367. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Connection Between the Conductivity and Bulk Modulus of Isotropic Composite Materials, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 452, 253 (1996).
  368. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Bounds on the Effective Moduli of Cracked Materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 44, 233 (1996).
  369. M. D. Rintoul, S. Torquato and G. Tarjus, Nearest-Neighbor Statistics in a One-Dimensional Random Sequential Adsorption Process, Physical Review E, 53, 450 (1996).
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  370. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Rigorous Link Between the Conductivity and Elastic Moduli of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 353, 243 (1995).
  371. J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato, New Bounds on the Elastic Moduli of Suspensions of Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 77 4361-4372, (1995).
  372. S. Torquato and M. D. Rintoul, Effect of the Interface on the Properties of Composite Media , Physical Review Letters, 75, 4067-4070 (1995) .
  373. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Geometrical Parameter Bounds on Effective Properties of Composites, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 43, 1587 (1995).
  374. M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, Algorithm to Compute Void Statistics for Random Arrays of Disks, Physical Review E, 52, 2635 (1995).
  375. D. Coker and S. Torquato, Extraction of Morphological Quantities from a Digitized Image, Journal of Applied Physics, 77 (1995).
  376. S. Torquato, Nearest-Neighbor Statistics for Random Packings of Hard Spheres and Disks, Physical Review E, 51, 3170 (1995).
  377. S. Torquato, Mean Nearest-Neighbor Distance in Random Packings of D-Dimensional Hard Spheres, Physical Review Letters, 74, 2156 (1995).
  378. D. Coker and S. Torquato, Simulation of Diffusion and Trapping in Digitized Heterogeneous Media, Journal of Applied Physics, 77, 955 (1995).
  379. E. Cinlar and S. Torquato, Exact Determination of the Two-Point Cluster Function for One-Dimensional Continuum Percolation, Journal of Statistical Physics, 78, 827 (1995).
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  380. N. Martys, S. Torquato, and D. P. Bentz, Universal Scaling of Fluid Permeability for Sphere Packings , Physical Review E, 50, 403 (1994).
  381. S. Torquato, Unified Methodology to Quantify the Morphology and Properties of Inhomogeneous Media, Physica A, 207, 79 (1994).
  382. L. M. Schwartz, F. Auzerais, J. Dunsmuir, N. Martys, and S. Torquato, Transport and Diffusion in Three Dimensional Composite Media, Physica A, 207, 28 (1994).
  383. S. Torquato, Macroscopic Behavior of Random Media from the Microstructure, Applied Mechanics Reviews 47, (1994).
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  384. L. M. Schwartz, N. Martys, D. P. Bentz, E. J. Garboczi, and S. Torquato, Cross-Property Relations and Permeability Estimation in Model Porous Media , Physical Review E, 48, 4584 (1993).
  385. R. Blumenfeld and S. Torquato, Coarse-Graining Procedure to Generate and Analyze Heterogeneous Materials: Theory, Physical Review E, 48, 4492 (1993).
  386. L. V. Gibiansky and S. Torquato, Link Between the Conductivity and Elastic Moduli of Composite Materials, Physical Review Letters, 71, 2927 (1993).
  387. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Composites Containing Spheroidal Inclusions: Comparison of Simulations with Theory, Journal of Applied Physics, 74, 1844 (1993).
  388. J. W. Eischen and S. Torquato, Determining Elastic Behavior of Composites by the Boundary Element Method, Journal of Applied Physics, 74, 159 (1993).
  389. S. Torquato and B. Lu, Chord-Length Distribution Function for Two-Phase Random Media, Physical Review E, 47, 2950 (1993).
  390. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Chord-Length and Free-Path Distribution Functions in Many-Body Systems, Journal of Chemical Physics 98, 6472 (1993).
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  391. S. Torquato, Connection Between the Morphology and Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Materials, Macroscopic Behavior of Heterogenous Materials from the Microstructure, Edited by S. Torquato and D. Krajcinovic, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AMD-Vol. 147, 53, (1992).
  392. S. Torquato and I. C. Kim, Cross-Property Relations for Momentum and Diffusional Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Applied Physics, 72, 2612 (1992).
  393. S. Torquato, Transport in Random Porous Media, Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, CONF-9205147, 102 (1992).
  394. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Lineal Path Function for Random Heterogeneous Materials II. Effect of Polydispersivity, Physical Review A, 45, 7292 (1992).
  395. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Nearest Surface Distribution Functions for Polydispersed Particle Systems, Physical Review A, 45, 5530 (1992).
  396. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Suspensions of Overlapping Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 71, 2727 (1992).
  397. S. Torquato and F. Lado, Improved Bounds on the Effective Elastic Moduli of Random Arrays of Cylinders, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 59, 1 (1992).
  398. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Lineal Path Function for Random Heterogeneous Materials, Physical Review A , 45, 922 (1992).
  399. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Diffusion of Finite-Sized Brownian Particles in Porous Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 96,1498 (1992).
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  400. M. Avellaneda and S. Torquato , Rigorous Link Between Fluid Permeability, Electrical Conductivity, and Relaxation Times for Transport in Porous Media, Physics of Fluids A, 3, 2529 (1991).
  401. S. Torquato and M. Avellaneda, Diffusion and Reaction in Heterogeneous Media: Pore Size Distribution, Relaxation Times, and Mean Survival Time, Journal of Chemical Physics, 95, 6477 (1991).
  402. S. Torquato, Diffusion and Reaction Among Traps: Some Theoretical and Simulation Results, Journal of Statistical Physics, 65, 1173 (1991).
  403. S. Torquato, Trapping of Finite-Sized Brownian Particles in Porous Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 95, 2838 (1991).
  404. C.A. Miller, A.R. Kerstein and S. Torquato, Sterically Hindered Fragmentation in Reactive Solids, Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 24, 3077 (1991).
  405. M. Avellaneda, S. Torquato and I. C. Kim, Diffusion and Geometric Efffects for Passive Advection by Random Arrays of Vortices Physics of Fluids A, 3, 1880 (1991).
  406. S. Torquato and J. Rubinstein, Improved Bounds on the Effective Conductivity of High Contrast Suspensions, Journal of Applied Physics, 69, 7118 (1991).
  407. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, First Passage Time Calculation of the Conductivity of Continuum Models of Multiphase Composites, Physical Review A, 43, 3198 (1991).
  408. S. Torquato and M. Avellaneda Cross-Property Relations for Transport in Porous Media: Rigorous Link Between Fluid Permeability, Electrical Conductivity, and Relaxation Times, Multiphase Transport in Porous Media, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 73 (1991).
  409. S. Torquato, Microstructure and Effective Properties of Random Media , Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Edited by W. Kohler and B. White, American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, 27, 323 (1991).
  410. C. A. Miller, I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Trapping and Flow Among Random Arrays of Oriented Spheroidal Inclusions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 94, 5592 (1991).
  411. S. Torquato and F. Lado, Trapping Constant, Thermal Conductivity, and the Microstructure of Random Suspensions of Oriented Spheroids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 94, 4453 (1991).
  412. B. Lu and S. Torquato, General Formalism to Characterize the Microstructure of Polydispersed Random Media, Physical Review A, 43, 2078 (1991).
  413. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Suspensions of Spheres by Brownian Motion Simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 69, 2280 (1991).
  414. C. A. Miller and S. Torquato, Improved Bounds on the Effective Elastic and Transport Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Effect of Polydispersivity in Fiber Radius, Journal of Applied Physics, 69, 1948 (1991).
  415. S. Torquato, Random Heterogeneous Media: Microstructure and Improved Bounds on the Effective Properties, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 44, 37 (1991).
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  416. C. A. Miller and S. Torquato, Effective Conductivity of Hard Sphere Dispersions, Journal of Applied Physics 68, 5486 (1990).
  417. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Determination of the Effective Conductivity of Heterogeneous Media by Brownian Motion Simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 68, 3892 (1990).
  418. I. C. Kim and S. Torquato, Monte Carlo Calculations of Connectedness and Mean Cluster Size for Bidesperions of Overlapping Spheres , Journal of Chemical Physics, 93, 5998 (1990).
  419. F. Lado and S. Torquato, Two-Point Probability Function for Distributions of Oriented Hard Ellipsoids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 93, 5912 (1990).
  420. J. A. Given, I. C. Kim, S. Torquato and G. Stell, Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Results for the Mean Cluster Density in Continuum Percolation, Journal of Chemical Physics, 93 5128 (1990).
  421. B. Lu and S. Torquato, n-Point Probability Functions for a Lattice Model of Heterogeneous Media, Physical Review B, 42, 4453 (1990)
  422. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Local Volume Fraction Fluctuations in Heterogeneous Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 93, 3452 (1990).
  423. S. Torquato and S. B. Lee, Computer Simulations of Nearest-Neighbor Distribution Functions and Related Quantitites for Hard-Sphere Systems, Physica A, 167, 361 (1990).
  424. S. Torquato, Bounds on Thermoelastic Properties of Suspensions of Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 67, 7223 (1990).
  425. S. Torquato, Relationship Between Permeability and Diffusion-Controlled Trapping Constant of Porous Media, Physical Review Letters, 64, 2644 (1990).
  426. S. B. Lee and S. Torquato, Monte Carlo Study of Correlated Continuum Percolation: Universality and Percolation Thresholds, Physical Review A, 41, 5338 (1990).
  427. J. F. Thovert, I. C. Kim, S. Torquato, and A. Acrivos, Bounds on the Effective Properties of Polydispersed Suspensions of Spheres: An Evaluation of Two Relevant Morphological Parameters, Journal of Applied Physics, 67, 6088 (1990).
  428. B. Lu and S. Torquato, Photographic Granularity: Mathematical Formulation and Effect of Impenetrability of the Grains, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 7, 717 (1990).
  429. S. Torquato and B. Lu, Rigorous Bounds on the Fluid Permeability : Effect of Polydispersivity in Grain Size, Physics of Fluids A, 2, 487 (1990).
  430. S. Torquato, B. Lu, and J. Rubinstein, Nearest-Neighbor Distribution Functions in Many-Body Systems, Physical Review A, 41, 2059 (1990).
  431. S. Torquato, B. Lu and J. Rubinstein, Nearest-Neighbor Distribution Function for Systems of Interacting Particles, Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 23, L103 (1990).
  432. S. Torquato and A. K. Sen, Conductivity Tensor of Anisotropic Composite Media from the Microstructure, Journal of Applied Physics, 67, 1145 (1990).
  433. Back to Top


  434. S. Torquato and I. C. Kim, An Efficient Simulation Technique to Compute Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Media, Applied Physics Letters, 55, 1847 (1989).
  435. C. A. Miller and S. Torquato, Diffusion-Controlled Reactions Among Spherical Traps: Effect of Polydispersivity in Trap Size, Physical Review B, 40, 7101 (1989).
  436. J. Rubinstein and S. Torquato, Bounds on Various Electrostatic and Hydrodynamic Capacities, Random Media and Composites, Eds. R. V. Kohn and G.W. Milton, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 60 (1989).
  437. J. Rubinstein and S. Torquato, Flow in Random Porous Media: Mathematical Formulation, Variational Principles and Rigorous Bounds, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 206, 25 (1989).
  438. S. B. Lee and S. Torquato, Measure of Clustering in Continuum Percolation: Computer-Simulation of the Two-Point Cluster Function, Journal of Chemical Physics, 91, 1173 (1989).
  439. S. B. Lee, I. C. Kim, C. A. Miller, and S. Torquato, Random-Walk Simulation of Diffusion-Controlled Processes Among Static Traps, Physical Review B, 39, 11833 (1989).
  440. A. K. Sen and S. Torquato, Effective Electrical Conductivity of Two-Phase Disordered Anisotropic Composite Media, Physical Review B, 39, 4504 (1989).
  441. J. D. Beasley and S. Torquato, New Bounds on the Permeability of a Random Array of Spheres, Physics of Fluids A, 1, 199 (1989).
  442. S. Torquato and J. Rubinstein, Diffusion-Controlled Reactions. II. Further Bounds on the Rate Constant, Journal of Chemical Physics, 90, 1644 (1989).
  443. P. A. Smith and S. Torquato, Computer Simulation Results for Bounds on the Effective Conductivity of Composite Media, Journal of Applied Physics, 65, 893 (1989).
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  444. S. B. Lee and S. Torquato, Pair-Connectedness and Mean Cluster Size for Continuum-Percolation Models: Computer-Simulation Results, Journal of Chemical Physics, 89, 6427 (1988).
  445. A. K. Sen and S. Torquato, Series Expansions for Clustering in Continuum- Percolation Models with Interactions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 89, 3799 (1988).
  446. S. B. Lee and S. Torquato, Porosity for the Penetrable-Concentric-Shell Model of Two-Phase Disordered Media: Computer-Simulation Results, Journal of Chemical Physics, 89, 3258 (1988).
  447. S. Torquato, Transport Properties of Disordered Heterogeneous Media from the Microstructure, Proceedings from the Sixth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, DOE CONF-8805106, 172 (1988).
  448. S. Torquato and F. Lado, Bounds on the Effective Transport and Elastic Properties of Cylindrical Fibers in a Matrix, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 55, 347 (1988).
  449. J. Rubinstein and S. Torquato, Diffusion- Controlled Reactions: Mathematical Formulation, Variational Principles, and Rigorous Bounds, Journal of Chemical Physics, 88, 6372 (1988).
  450. S. Torquato, J. D. Beasley, and Y. C. Chiew, Two-Point Cluster Function for Continuum Percolation, Journal of Chemical Physics, 88, 6540 (1988).
  451. S. Torquato and F. Lado, Bounds on the Conductivity of a Random Array of Cylinders, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 417, 59 (1988).
  452. P. A. Smith and S. Torquato, Computer Simulation Results for the Two-Point Probability Function of Composite Media, Journal of Computational Physics, 76, 176 (1988).
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  453. S. Torquato, Thermal Conductivity of Disordered Heterogeneous Media from the Microstructure, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 4, 151 (1987).
  454. A. K. Sen, F. Lado, and S. Torquato, Bulk Properties of Composite Media. II. Evaluation of Bounds on the Shear Moduli of Suspensions of Impenetrable Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 62, 4135 (1987).
  455. A. K. Sen, F. Lado, and S. Torquato, Bulk Properties of Composite Media. I. Simplification of Bounds on the Shear Moduli of Suspensions of Impenetrable Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 62, 3503 (1987).
  456. P. M. Richards and S. Torquato, Upper and Lower Bounds for the Rate of Diffusion-Controlled Reactions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 87, 4612 (1987).
  457. S. Torquato, Transport Properties of Disordered Composite Materials from the Microstructure, 6th International Conference on Composite Materials, London, England, Vol. 4, 302 (1987).
  458. S. Torquato, F. Lado, and P. A. Smith, Bulk Properties of Two-Phase Disordered Media. IV. Mechanical Properties of Suspensions of Penetrable Spheres at Non-Dilute Concentrations, Journal of Chemical Physics, 86, 6388 (1987).
  459. S. Torquato, Characterization of the Microstructure of Disordered Media: A Unified Approach, Physical Review B, 35, 5385 (1987).
  460. S. Torquato, Bounds on the Thermal Conductivity of Disordered Heterogeneous Media, Proceedings of the 1987 ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, 2, 359 (1987).
  461. S. Torquato and J. D. Beasley, Bounds on the Permeability of a Random Array of Partially Penetrable Spheres, Physics of Fluids, 30, 633 (1987).
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  462. S. Torquato, Microstructure Characterization and Bulk Properties of Disordered Two-Phase Media, Journal of Statistical Physics, 45, 843 (1986).
  463. S. Torquato, Concentration Dependence of Diffusion-Controlled Reactions Among Static Reactive Sinks, Journal of Chemical Physics, 85, 7178 (1986).
  464. S. Torquato, Two-Point Distribution Function for a Dispersion of Impenetrable Spheres in a Matrix, Journal of Chemical Physics, 85, 6248 (1986).
  465. J. D. Beasley and S. Torquato, Bounds on the Conductivity of Suspensions of Impenetrable Spheres, Journal of Applied Physics, 60, 3576 (1986).
  466. S. Torquato, Interfacial Surface Statistics Arising in Diffusion and Flow Problems in Porous Media, Journal of Chemical Physics, 85, 4622 (1986).
  467. S. Torquato, Effective Transport Properties of Multiphase Media from the Microstructure, Advances in Multiphase Flow and Related Problems, Edited by G. Papanicolaou, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 238 (1986).
  468. S. Torquato, Bulk Properties of Two-Phase Disordered Media. III. New Bounds on the Effective Conductivity of Dispersions of Penetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 84, 6345 (1986).
  469. S. Torquato and F. Lado, Effective Properties of Two-Phase Disordered Composite Media: II. Evaluation of Bounds on the Conductivity and Bulk Modulus of Dispersions of Impenetrable Spheres, Physical Review B, 33, 6428 (1986).
  470. F. Lado and S. Torquato, Effective Properties of Two-Phase Disordered Composite Media. I. Simplification of Bounds on the Conductivity and Bulk Modulus of Dispersions of Impenetrable Spheres, Physical Review B, 33, 3370 (1986).
  471. S. Torquato and J. D. Beasley, Effective Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Materials. II. Bounds on the Bulk and Shear Moduli of Dispersions of Fully Penetrable Cylinders, International Journal of Engineering Science, 24, 435 (1986).
  472. S. Torquato and J. D. Beasley, Effective Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Materials. I. Bounds on the Thermal Conductivity of Dispersions of Fully Penetrable Cylinders, International Journal of Engineering Science, 24, 415 (1986).
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  473. S. Torquato, Effective Electrical Conductivity of Two-Phase Disordered Composite Media, Journal of Applied Physics, 58, 3790 (1985).
  474. S. Torquato, Bulk Properties of Two-Phase Disordered Media. II. Effective Conductivity of a Dilute Dispersion of Penetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 83, 4776 (1985).
  475. J. M. Haile, C. Massobrio, and S. Torquato, Two-Point Probability Function for Two-Phase Random Media: Computer-Simulation Results for Impenetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 83, 4075 (1985).
  476. S. Torquato, G. Stell and J. D. Beasley, Third-Order Bounds on the Effective Bulk and Shear Moduli of a Dispersion of Fully Penetrable Spheres, Letters in Applied and Engineering Science, 23, 385 (1985).
  477. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Bounds on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Dispersion of Fully Penetrable Spheres, Letters in Applied and Engineering Science, 23, 375 (1985).
  478. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Microstructure of Two-Phase Random Media, V. The n-Point Matrix Probability Functions for Impenetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 82, 980 (1985).
  479. S. Torquato and F. Lado Characterization of the Microstructure of Distributions of Rigid Rods and Disks in a Matrix, Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 18, 141 (1985).
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  480. S. Torquato, Bulk Properties of Two-Phase Media. I. Cluster Expansion for the Dielectric Constant of Dispersions of Fully Penetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 81, 5079 (1984).
  481. S. Torquato and P. Smith, Latent Heat of Vaporization of a Widely Diverse Class of Fluids, Journal of Heat Transfer, 106, 252 (1984).
  482. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Microstructure of Two-Phase Random Media. IV. Expected Surface Area of a Dispersion of Penetrable Spheres and Its Characteristic Function, Journal of Chemical Physics, 80, 878 (1984).
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  483. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Microstructure of Two-Phase Random Media. II. The Mayer-Montroll and Kirkwood-Salsburg Hierarchies, Journal of Chemical Physics, 78, 3262 (1983).
  484. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Microstructure of Two-Phase Random Media. III. The n-Point Matrix Probability Functions for Fully Penetrable Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics, 79, 1505 (1983).
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  486. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Microstructure of Two-Phase Random Media. I. The n-Point Probability Functions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 77, 2071 (1982).
  487. S. Torquato and G. Stell, An Equation for the Latent Heat of Vaporization, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, 21, 202 (1982).
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  489. S. Torquato and G. Stell, Latent Heat of Vaporization of a Fluid, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 85, 3029 (1981).
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