Author: Julia Kazmierczak

“Microstructural and transport characteristics of triply periodic bicontinuous materials” is Published in Acta Materialia

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Read the full paper: here Link to the journal: here Three-dimensional (3D) bicontinuous two-phase materials are increasingly gaining interest because of their unique multifunctional characteristics and advancements in techniques to fabricate them. Because of their complex topological and structural properties, it still has been nontrivial to develop explicit microstructure-dependent formulas to predict accurately their physical … Continue Reading “Microstructural and transport characteristics of triply periodic bicontinuous materials” is Published in Acta Materialia

“Hyperuniformity classes of quasiperiodic tilings via diffusion spreadability” is Published in Physical Review E

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Read the full paper: here Link to the journal: here Hyperuniform point patterns can be classified by the hyperuniformity scaling exponent \(\alpha > 0\), that characterizes the power-law scaling behavior of the structure factor \(S(\mathbf{k})\) as a function of wavenumber \(k\equiv|\mathbf{k}|\) in the vicinity of the origin, e.g., \(S(\mathbf{k})\sim|\mathbf{k}|^{\alpha}\) in cases where \(S(\mathbf{k})\) varies continuously … Continue Reading “Hyperuniformity classes of quasiperiodic tilings via diffusion spreadability” is Published in Physical Review E